While hearing impaired created the concept of a specially designed coffee shop, our goal was to create a space where all the disability would have the opportunity to both work and socialize.
For this reason, the way out of the idea of disrupting the place from the use of the room, An open manufacturing space idea was used instead of an off-the-shelf countertop.
Especially for the hearing impaired, the communication of traditional machine tools was very difficult because the Turkish sign language used for communication was based on hand movements and visibility.
It was ensured that someone who would serve as a barista could stand face-to-face with the customer while standing behind a counter.
At the same time, this change allows the barbarians to socialize with customers even when they are not customers, and it also incorporates customers into the manufacturing process.
The modular furniture systems used in the venue offer the flexibility to host all kinds of activities under the roof of the association.
All the solutions used in the venue will use the world standards set for disabled people.
In addition, meetings and workshops with disabled people and the needs arising from their own life experiences are taken into consideration, and it is ensured that they are involved in every part of the project.
In this way, a cafe concept that is both suitable for current customer expectations and lifted from the obstacles has been created.